the power lines of Chile
I am weirdly obsessed by the electricity infrastructure of Chile. They immediately caught my attention and i found it hard to focus on anything else..
As a dutch/zimbabwean i am familiar with two very extreme sides of power infrastructure- in Holland you’d struggle to imagine where the voltage from your socket comes from because it is tucked away so neatly, and in Zimbabwe you’d have power cuts all the time, see powerlines and hear news of hydro dams drying up which means no electricity.
But Chile brings something new, and extremely visual to my imagination of electricity infrastructure.
The seemingly chaotic has a personal quality: there is no chaos, rather it is hectically organised.
Every city has a fingerprint, and I feel like every single line represents a solved problem and a human story.
Chile’s power lines inevitably allow some of the natural beauty to shine through.. Chilco shrubs, nuestros Notros, Gote, Ibis.. the weather that changes with no warning.
I initially avoided power lines and tried to find a spot with a clean view of whatever i was trying to frame…
…but now i feel like they tell a story worth telling because of all the different ways in which this fascinating spaghetti of wires in this country manifests.